One of the major challenges faced in the community is the growing number of intercaste marriages happening in the Samaj. It is a direct consequence of growing isolation of Konkan Maratha Samaj members whose interaction within the community over the years has drastically reduced. As a result the next generation do not have the same kind of opportunities to interact within the community and have started marrying outside although suitable boys and girls are available within the community.

With the objective of providing a forum for the boys and girls to come together and speak about their expectations, Vadhu Var Melavas were organized by the LMP Group. The first program was organized in Mumbai in May 2010, which was attended by more than 210 candidates and their family members. Buoyed by the success of the program, the Group decided to organize similar program at Karwar for the benefit of local people. Advocate S N Rane offers the Saddicha Hall free of cost for organizing the programs of LMP.

Work starts almost three months prior to the program date, wherein LMP members covered the entire Karwar town by issuing Nivedan patra and ensuring awareness of the program. Local advertisements are also issued so that the message of the Vadhu Var Melava spread across everywhere. Hoardings are put up at temples, market places and other prominent locations. The Application form was designed after meticulously studying all the application forms of other communities who held similar events. Collection points were announced at several places not only in Karwar but also in other cities of Mumbai , Pune and Goa.

On the day of the program, Candidates are given one page form , which they are supposed to fill and speak on the stage. Candidate participation in the program has been made compulsory so that the desired seriousness is given to the program. Breakfast, Lunch is served free of cost to all the participants. LMP Group does not take any donation nor levies any charge for these programs.

LMP is an independent and self-funded organization with no affiliation to any other associations of the community. We do not accept any donation nor do we take any charges for our programs.
